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Set up your UXCam Account

This article describes how to create apps in the dashboard and set up your account.

Updated this week

1. Create apps to separate your environments

Within one UXCam account, you can create multiple apps. Apps in UXCam can be used to:

  • Integrate different apps, please reference your contract for the number of apps allowed per your subscription.

  • Integrate different environments (Staging and production)

💡Tip: We highly recommend creating different apps to separate your staging and production environments. Separating environments from the start will help you keep your data clean and reliable and exclude internal users which might skew your data.

To create a new app in the Dashboard:

1. Log in to your UXCam account

2. Click on App name's on the left bar menu

3. Click on Create new app > Name your app. Provide a clear and descriptive name for your new app, ensuring it reflects the specific environment or project it represents.

4. Obtain app key: After naming your app, the system will generate a unique app key.

Now it's time for your technical team to take over with the SDK integration. Make sure they have the correct app keys or you can also invite them to the dashboard so they have access. Your devs can easily follow our dev's guide for seamless integration.

2. Account Subscription

In the Subscription section, you can find information about your plan, usage, billing history, and set-up session usage alerts. You can also turn on or off overages, and check your data retention policy and renewal date.

Click on your name at the bottom of the sidebar > Subscription.

You can learn more about what to look for in the account subscription page here but here are some things you can look for.

1. Check out your plan details:

  • Plan package and price

  • Renewal date and billing cycle

  • Data and video retention policy

2. Check out information about your session usage

  • How many days are left until your monthly session limit resets

  • How many sessions, recordings, and events you have used against your limit

3. Turn on or off overages

Per your subscription, you may have overages. Overages will keep recording past the session limit and bill you accordingly. You can turn off the overages each month if you do not wish to exceed the limits.

4. Set up session usage notifications.

By defining a threshold, you'll receive notifications when your session usage reaches the specified threshold. For instance, you can set a threshold of 90% which is close to your actual session limit be aware you might reach your limit prematurely.

3. Invite your team

Invite other team members to collaborate with you in UXCam Dashboard.

1. To add a member to the organization, you need to click on your name > Team > Invite teammate

2. Enter the email of all the users you'd like to invite.

3. Select the Access level: Organization level or Application level.

  • Organization-level permission allows them to manage the UXCam account fully. Organization Manager can create, edit, and delete any app. Can edit subscription, payment, organization, and team settings. Has full access to the available features.

  • App-level permission grants them access only to specific apps selected by you. You can assign different roles such as app manager, member, viewer.


Recommendation: Use application-level access only when your application has multiple apps and users need permissions to different applications.

4. Account Security

Set Multi-Factor Authentication

You can configure MFA at the user level in the Dashboard. Just go to the Dashboard > click on your name > My profile > Enable multi-factor authentication


Connect your Authenticator app and enter the authentication codes. Once you complete these steps, you should see the label MFA enabled next to your name.

Single Sign-On - SSO

If you want to set up single sign-on (SSO) you can follow this guide. Please notice that this option is not available on all the plans. Please consult with or write us on the chat.

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