How to add an app in UXCam?
Within one UXCam account, you can create multiple apps. Apps in UXCam can be used to :
Integrate different mobile products (apps), please reference your contract for the number of apps allowed per your subscription.
Integrate different environments (Staging and production)
💡Tip » We highly recommend creating different apps to separate your staging and production environments. Separating environments from the start will help you keep your data clean and reliable and exclude internal users which might skew your data. Additional environments don't have an additional cost.
✏️Note »You can also use a new app to separate iOS and Android data. However, keep in mind that this is not the recommended approach because you will need to export data from both accounts and combine it if you want to see a comprehensive report. By having one app for both platforms, you can easily compare performance, user behavior, conversions, etc. by using our 'platform' filter.
To create a new app in the Dashboard :
1. Log in to your UXCam account
2. Click on App name's on the left bar menu
3. Click on Create new app > Name your app. Provide a clear and descriptive name for your new app, ensuring it reflects the specific environment or project it represents.
4. Obtain app key : After naming your app, the system will generate a unique app key.
How to delete an app in UXCam?
The Account owner and Organization Managers can delete any apps from UXCam Dashboard. While App managers can delete the app(s) they manage.
❗️IMPORTANT - If you delete an app, the data will be lost and can't be recovered. Please make sure you only delete apps that you no longer need.
1. Click on your app name (top-left corner)
2. Select all apps > Find the app you want to delete on the list
3. Click on the trash bin.
4. Enter the name of your app and click 'Delete'