When does the session start and end?
When does the session start and end?
The session starts when users open the app and it ends when it goes to background.
What's the difference between sessions and videos?
What's the difference between sessions and videos?
A session captures user interactions in your app, including gestures, events, and screen visits and meta data including user, device, and session properties. Sessions upload when the app goes to the background and are recorded by default to generate funnels, heatmaps, and user flows.
A video visually represents the session, showing user behavior on screens. Some sessions may lack videos indicated by the symbol (...) due to video limits, conditional recording settings, or poor internet connection.
Together, sessions and videos offer valuable insights to understand user behavior.
How can I delete user data?
Navigate to the Users page. You can delete an individual user by clicking on the user and selecting Delete. To delete multiple users simultaneously (up to 20), tick the checkbox at the top to select all users listed on the current page. Once you delete a user, all the information related to the user, including the sessions of the user will be deleted.
Why do some sessions have red squares?
Why do some sessions have red squares?
Red screens indicate that certain screens were intentionally occluded by your developers to hide sensitive information. This ensures that private data, such as login credentials or payment details, remains protected and is not captured in session recordings. You can manage occlusion settings through your app’s UXCam integration.
Can I get accurate heatmaps for scrollable screens?
Can I get accurate heatmaps for scrollable screens?
Not directly, our heatmaps are not designed for scrolling screens. However, to capture relevant heatmaps for scrolling screens, use the appropriate API to define each screen separately. This ensures heatmap data is accurately segmented based on the visible areas.
What are rage taps?
What are rage taps?
UXCam automatically detects rage gestures to show user frustration with certain elements or screens of your application. A rage tap shows when the user taps repeatedly (more than 3 taps) in frustration, with at most 300ms between consecutive taps, and within a certain radius of the screen.
How can I exclude certain types of rage taps?
How can I exclude certain types of rage taps?
While frequent taps often indicate frustration, some scenarios—like adjusting volume in a music player—naturally involve rapid tapping and shouldn’t be classified as rage taps.
To exclude rage taps from specific screens while still recording other gestures (taps, swipes, etc.), follow these steps:
Go to your Dashboard
App name>App settings
Scroll down to Additional Settings
Tick to not auto tag gestures as rage taps and select the screens to enable this.
How much data is used for video uploads?
How much data is used for video uploads?
A one-minute video typically uses around 70-80 KB, though the exact amount depends on the selected video quality. You can change this in app settings.
How can I change the account owner?
How can I change the account owner?
Only the current account owner can transfer ownership to another team member.
To transfer ownership:
Log in to UXCam
Click on your name > Team
Select the team member you want to assign as the new owner
Click Edit (✏️) > Transfer Ownership
Confirm the transfer to complete the process
📌 If the current owner has left your company and you need assistance, contact team@uxcam.com—we’re happy to help!
Does UXCam require Opt-in or additional permission from the user?
No, just like any other analytics tool, UXCam is completely anonymous to the user and doesn’t require opt-in or additional permission. However, you are required to block any Personally Identifiable and sensitive information using our API.
Does UXCam store IP addresses?
No, we do not store IP addresses in our databases.
When a device makes its first request to our servers, we use the IP address solely to determine the city and country using a conversion tool. After this process, the IP address is permanently discarded.