UXCam, by default, video records all sessions. However, UXCam allows you to customize the app settings and set up recording rules, privacy rules, or data consumption rules. This will give you the freedom to customize your conditions and prioritize sessions to be recorded based on your specific use case.
❗️ These features are only available on some plans sold before January 1st 2024. Reach out to team@uxcam.com if your plan includes this feature and you would like access to control your session recordings.
Overview of the Data capture & Recording settings rules
The data capture & recording section is split in different sections.
Go to your app's name > App settings > Data capture & recording
Session Data Capture rules
The session data capture rules allow you to control the sessions that are being recorded.
A session includes all the meta-data collected during the user visit, including device data, user data and interactions with your application such as screen visits, events triggered, and gestures.
1. Enable or Disable session recording
By default, the toggle will always be enabled. If someone in your org disables this toggle, we will stop recording sessions. Ensure that the toggle is always enabled unless you wish to stop UXCam from recording sessions.
2. Session sample size
3. Set up session recording rules:
When UXCam is first integrated into your application, the recording policy is set to record all sessions. With session recording rules, you can define the conditions to record and upload a session to UXCam Dashboard. Click on add rule, and add as many as you need. These rules can be defined based on :
Visited screens
Events triggered
Session properties (Crashes, Session duration, Country, Date, Number of gestures, environment)
Versions (app version, SDK version)
Device properties (OS Version, Device model)
For example, you can exclude sessions shorter than 5 seconds. With this option, you can ignore all the short sessions that don't have meaningful user interaction.
Video recording
Similarly, as with Sessions, you can set up rules to decide what videos you want to record by using Video Recording rules.
1. Enable or Disable session recording
By default, the toggle will always be enabled. If someone in your org disables this toggle, we will stop recording videos of sessions. Ensure that the toggle is always enabled unless you wish to stop UXCam from all videos.
2. Video recording quality
Video Quality: This setting defines the video quality of the recording, this will define the resolution and the FPS. There are 4 levels of video recording quality (Ultra Low, Very Low, Low, High). By default, all the videos are recorded with 'Low quality'. This is usually enough to understand your users’ behavior and won’t require too much cellular data.
3. Limit offline recorded videos per device to
This feature allows you to set a limit on the number of videos that can be recorded while a device is offline. It specifies how many offline recordings can be stored locally on a user’s device. Once the user reconnects to the internet and uses the app again, the recorded videos are automatically uploaded. If a user exceeds the limit that was set, we will delete the oldest recording and keep the most recent recording from the user.
If this feature is turned off, there is no limit on the number of offline recordings stored on the device. However, once the user goes online, the SDK will upload the sessions and delete them from the device.
If the app remains offline, the SDK stores sessions in system-allocated space. If the user doesn't return to the app for a long time, the system may offload the app, causing these sessions to be deleted without being uploaded. Similarly, if the user deletes the app after recording offline, those sessions will be permanently lost.
On iPhones, automatic offloading occurs if the feature is enabled in settings and the app is unused for more than 12 days. Users can also manually offload the app, which preserves app data but deletes stored sessions. On Android, users can manually erase app data, which will remove all locally stored sessions.
You can view and filter for offline sessions in the UXCam dashboard by selecting the filter option Offline Sessions -> Yes.
4. Set up video recording rules:
When UXCam is first integrated into your application, the recording policy is set to video record all sessions. With session recording rules, you can define the conditions to record and upload a session to the UXCam Dashboard. Click on add rule, and add as many as you need. These rules can be defined based on:
Visited screens
Events triggered
Session properties (Crashes, Session duration, Country, Date, Number of gestures, environment)
Versions (app version, SDK version)
Device properties (OS Version, Device model).
6. Limit recorded videos per device to:
Decide the maximum number of videos you want to record for each device. Contrary to the other limits, this max number of videos per device is not reset once a day/month, but is the total limit of videos (not sessions) per device.
✏️» Note : Please note that if you set up session recording rules, you don't need to set up the same video recording rules. Videos always belong to a session, which means that if a session is not recorded, the video won't be recorded either.
Generally, we don't recommend using video recording rules, so you can fully use your video limits, and you can avoid having sessions without videos.
Video recording Privacy
Use these options to prevent sensitive information from being recorded.
Please read more on how to hide sensitive information here.
Hide all text fields automatically.
Hide certain screens by exclusion or inclusion (this will depend on the number of screens to be hidden)
When you hide screens, we don't capture gestures on these screens to not reveal any passwords or security codes. However, if you still want to see gestures on these views, you can use the "Record gesture for excluded screen" option.
Data consumption
1. Upload video on:
Decide if you want to use 'Mobile data + wifi' or 'Wifi only' to upload videos to UXCam.
a. When selecting Wifi only, you can decide to use wifi only for videos but upload session data with mobile data. We strongly recommend always selecting this option if you decide to use 'Wifi only' to avoid missing sessions.
b. When selecting Wifi and Cellular, you can decide the max. cellular data to use per device, per month. The avg. consumption of a 1-minute video is 70-80kb. We recommend between 100MB and 200MB for this setting.
✏️Note: this option works for SDK versions equal to or above Android 3.1.12 and iOS 3.1.9.
Additional settings
Turn off screen auto-detection for screen: when you use automatic screen tagging, our SDK might identify some screens that are not real screens (e.g. transitions, keyboard, etc.), to exclude such screens, you can select them using this drop-down.
Don't auto-tag gestures for the following screens: UXCam automatically detects rage gestures. A rage gesture is defined by three or more consecutive taps within 300 ms in the same screen radius. In some cases, this might be the expected behavior (e.i. turning the volume up or down), to avoid mistakenly flagging taps as rage gestures, you can ignore rage taps on such screens.
Record app logs: Turn the app log recording on to view all the console logs next to your session details and help your developers debug and track errors. Learn more about app logs →