Once you’ve decided which filters or segments to apply you can start analyzing your sessions and playing the videos. When you open a session video, you’ll see the session replay page. To help explain the tools/features available in the session replay, we've broken it down into five main sections below.
1. Information about the session
The top menu gives various information about the session you can interact with.
Alias or user ID : By default, UXCam generates a random alias name to identify your users based on the Install ID. You can replace the default alias with your own user ID by sending user properties. You can click on the user ID to get all the information about the specific user in the user page.
Location, date, and labels associated to the session.
Crashes and UI Freezes: We automatically detect all the crashes and UI Freezes on your app. If a session has a Crash or a UI Freeze you will see the alert here. Click on the crash or UI Freeze button to see the logs.
2. Activity, Session Info, Notes, Logs Tab
The tabs are essential and give you important information about the session.
Activity tab
Activity tab shows you a listed timeline of all the interactions that occurred during the session including screens, gestures, and custom events triggered. The timeline is separated into blocks representing different screens. Each block is seperated by colored line to help you distinguish when a user jumps to a different screen.
The first line of each block shows the name of the screen and to the right of the name, you can see the total time the user spent on that screen.
You can click on a specific interaction and UXCam will take you to that exact moment in your session video. Not sending custom events? Learn how to send them.
Click on the external link icon
to jump directly to the screen Heatmap.
You can also filter by events, gestures, or screens to focus on specific interactions on that session. You'll also see the count of times of the event, or gestures that happened in the session.
Session Info tab
Session info tab gives you all the data about the session, user, and device. Just expand on session properties, user properties, and device properties respectively. Here, you can also click on view all to see all the sessions or events for that particular user.
Notes tab
You can leave notes and tag your colleagues to collaborate in the analysis of the session. All these notes will be available here.
Logs tab
The logs tab allows you to see all the logs with the specific time stamp. You can also filter by type of log i.e Warning, or find a specific log with the search option. Read more about logs here.
3. Session Replay toolbar
The toolbar gives you control over the session replay you're watching and is made up of the components listed in left-to-right order below.
Restart recording
Next recording
Timestamp and screen detail
Skip Inactivity - skip over the parts of the session where the user was inactive.
Playback speed - to speed up the watching process, you can choose from the following speed settings: 0.5x, 1x, 2x, 4x.
Note : Add a note to the session with a specific timestamp.
Play all recordings
Full view
❓How to watch several sessions of a unique user in order?
💡Tip » If you'd like to watch sessions of one user one after the other, use the previous and next user session arrows.
👇See below for more info.
Previous and Next Session : Go directly to the previous or next session of the same specific user. This is very useful when you want to follow the user's journey, easily discover how a crash impacted your user's experience, or see if a user came back later to complete an action in your app. Navigate between sessions without leaving the page and with no need for additional filtering.
4. Session timeline ✧ New feature
This is the long horizontal bar at the bottom of the session video. It will show the progress of the session playback and markers for
rage taps,
UI Freezes, and custom events. (Custom events can include add to cart event, purchase complete etc.) These are represent by a blue E icon. If you're unsure what an icon refers to, you can hover your cursor over it to see the event name.
Clicking on a custom event will take you to that specific interaction in the activity tab. If you click on the arrow to expand on the custom event, you will be able to get additional information on user properties and analyze the custom event. Read more about this new way to analyze events from sessions below.
5. Anlayze Events from Session Page ✧ New feature
We've added a new functionality for you to analyze custom events while you're watching sessions.
If you click on any custom event icon from the horizontal bar, you'll be taken to the event in the activity tab. From the activity tab, with one click, you can watch sessions or analyze reports.
Click on watch sessions to find all sessions where that event happened.
Click on analyze to add 3 relevant reports about the specific event to any dashboard of your choice. These 3 pre built reports include :
Count of the event over time which shows the trend of the event. You can easily how often are your users performing this event.
The breakdown of the event by platform. (Android vs. IOS)
The breakdown of the event by app version.
The reports allow you to get insights and an understand of your users' behaviour in one click.