With Survicate and UXCam, you can:
Send mobile survey responses as custom events to UXCam.
Combine survey results with session replays to understand the "why" behind user dissatisfaction.
Watch sessions of specific users (low NPS or unsatisfied users)
Create custom user segments in UXCam based on survey responses, enabling you to visualize the experience of happy and unhappy customers.
Analyze survey results on the dashboard and uncover trends in customer feedback.
This guide walks you through setting up the integration and leveraging its features effectively.
Integration Availability
This integration is available on all Survicate plans and UXCam’s Growth and Enterprise plans.
📌 Before getting started: Ensure you’ve installed Survicate’s UXCam plugin in your mobile app.
Limitations on data for survey screens on Android and iOS
Screen Creation: Each survey question generates a new screen in UXCam. For example, a 5-question survey will create 5 screens in your screen list.
Gesture Tracking: User interactions (e.g., rage taps) on survey screens are recorded and included in your total gesture metrics, potentially affecting overall analytics.
Screen Creation: No new screens are created for survey questions. Instead, all gestures are attributed to the screen behind the survey.
Gesture Tracking: Gestures made during the survey are included in your total metrics but are associated with the underlying screen, which may impact gesture data accuracy.
Heatmaps: Gestures from survey interactions will appear in the heatmap of the screen behind the survey, potentially blending survey-specific gestures with other data.
These limitations may affect the precision of screen and gesture analytics when using surveys.
Step 1: Connecting UXCam to Survicate
You can enable the integration in one of two ways:
Option 1: From Survicate Account Settings
1. Log in to your Survicate account.
2. Navigate to Settings > Integrations in the upper-right corner.
3. Locate UXCam on the list and click Enable.
Option 2: From a Specific Survey
Open the survey builder for your mobile survey.
Go to the Connect tab.
Select UXCam and click Connect on the next page.
Once connected, Survicate will start sending survey responses to UXCam as survicate.Questionanswered events.
Step 2: Anonymizing Survey Answers
To protect user privacy, you can anonymize survey answers sent to UXCam:
Toggle the option to anonymize input field answers in the integration settings tab.
If enabled, responses from input fields (e.g., contact forms, text answers, comment fields) will be sent with empty values.
Step 3: Viewing Sessions in UXCam
When a mobile survey is answered, Survicate sends an event to UXCam with the event name survicate.questionanswered and the following event properties:
Event name : survicate.questionanswered
Event properties:
Text of the question
Question type
Response URL
Response UUID
Survey ID and Survey Name
Visitor UUID
You can easily filter and view the specific sessions where users answered a specific survey question.
1. Go to the Sessions tab in UXCam
2. Apply Filters for Unsatisfied Users
Click +Add Filter > Events > select survicate.questionanswered.
Add a condition for the response, such as "Unsatisfied or NPS scores from 0-6
3. Apply the filter and view the list of sessions where users provided these specific answers.
Step 4: Creating Segments in UXCam
You can use survey responses to create targeted segments in UXCam. Follow these steps to create a segment for unsatisfied customers:
1. Go to Users tab in UXCam.
2. Apply Filters for Unsatisfied Responses
Click +Add Filter > Events > select survicate.questionanswered.
Add a condition for the response, such as "Unsatisfied.
3. Click Save as Segment and name your segment (e.g., "Unsatisfied Customers").
4. View User Sessions
Your segment now contains a list of unsatisfied customers.
To explore their pain points, click on any user and review their Sessions to understand their interactions and identify potential causes of their dissatisfaction.
Step 5: Analyzing Survey Results on UXCam Dashboard
Report #1: Survey Response Overview
Objective: Get a quick snapshot of survey participation and overall response distribution.
Report set up:
Report Type: Events
Event Name: survicate.questionanswered
Metrics: Total Count of events
Group By: Event property > Custom property> Question
Report #2 User Satisfaction Distribution
Objective: Visualize user satisfaction levels
Report set up:
Report Type: Events
Event Name: survicate.questionanswered
Group By: Answer
Filter: Question is (e.g., “How satisfied are you with our customer service?”).
Use Case: Understand the proportion of users who are neutral, extremely happy or unsatisfied.
Report #3 NPS Distribution
Objective: Visualize user satisfaction levels based on NPS.
Report Type: Events
Event Name: survicate.questionanswered
Group By: Answer
Filter: Question is (e.g., “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our service to a friend or colleague?”).