In Screens you can find the list of all the screens of your app on the left hand side. Next to the screen column, you can find different metrics for each screen such as the visit count, Avg. visit duration, User count, Rage tap rate etc.
Spot the screens with the highest quit rate, check the heatmap, and watch the session replays to understand the reasons behind those metrics.
Easily identify screens that cause users the most frustration by sorting them by rage taps count. Visualize those frustrations with the screen recordings and heat maps.
Find the most visited screens or those with greater user interaction or engagement.
Discover the screens with the highest percentage of crashes.
How to use it:
» Select the time period you want to analyze by clicking on the upper right corner. The metrics will automatically change based on the selected date.
» Add or remove columns according to your needs by by clicking on the three little bar icons on the right
» Click on the metric to sort the order from highest to lowest or lowest to highest.
To find a specific screen you can click on the search field and type the screen name
You can filter the screen list by screen visits, device properties, screens with certain events (such as the add to cart event) to find the screens that matter to you.
Important Metrics
Visit Count: Total number of visits to the screen within the selected date range.
User Count: Total number of distinct users who visited the screen within the selected date range.
Avg. screen visit duration: Average visit duration across all visits within the selected date range.
Rage tap rage: Percentage of rage taps out of all gestures.
UI Freeze Rate: Percentage of screen visits with the total sum UI freezes. (Total Screen visit with UI Freeze/Total Screen count)
App Quit Rate: Percentage of screen visits in which the screen was the last one visited by users during a session within the selected date range.
To see the screen heat map and recordings you just need to click on the screen.
The best way to set the screen names and make sure that they're tagged correctly is by using the Tag Screen Names API. However, you can also change the name manually whenever you want:
If you use certain frameworks such as React Native, Flutter, or Cordova, or you have one or more fragments inside an Android activity, you should use our API to tag screens.
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