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How to manage Cohorts
Updated this week

The manage cohort tab allows you to see the list of all the saved custom cohorts, think of this as a saved cohorts library.

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You can click on the cohort name to view detailed information about the custom cohort you just saved. On the right hand side, there are 3 icons to analyze the cohort, view users, and export the cohort.

View Cohort Information

Clicking on custom cohort to get detailed information.

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  1. Cohort name : You can edit the cohort name anytime over here.

  2. Description : You can add/edit a description to help your team understand the reason for the saved custom cohort.

  3. User count : View how many users belong to the custom cohort. You can click on the blue numbers to refresh cohort. Read more on refreshing user count →

  4. Cohort Definition: You can see all the properties of the custom cohort including its status: Retained vs. drop off cohort. You can also see all the conditions users met to belong to the cohort including the start action, return action, date range, and any filters or groupings.

  5. Delete custom cohort :You can delete custom cohorts by clicking on the delete button - if the cohorts were used on funnels, reports or segments, those reports will still be available but will have no data as the cohort has been removed. You will see a note showing that the custom cohort was not found. We can’t recover the deleted cohorts, but you can always create more custom cohorts from any retention report.

Analyze, View users, Export Cohort

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You can analyze, view cohort, and export cohort with the respective icons.

Analyze Cohort

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Click on the analyze report icon to be directed to the pre-built dashboard. You can investigate engagement, adoption, and various other aspects within cohorts such as:

  • How many sessions do users in this cohort have on average?

  • Average time spent in app

  • From which screens are these users leaving the app?

  • Most used app versions

  • % Sessions with tech issues (Crashes, UI freezes)

View User

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Click on the person icon to go view the list of users that belong to that custom cohort. Look into each individual user, take a look at the user metrics on top, or add additional filters to narrow down your results.

Export Users

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Click on the download icon to receive a CSV link via email including a list of users that belong to the custom cohort and all the data about those users.

Why should you refresh Cohort User Counts?

Cohorts are static and time-based, this means that the cohorts that you create are associated to a certain action done in a certain moment by your users. You can see the date range in the cohort definition.

However, in some cases, the count might change:

  1. Delay in session upload: If users had no internet connection, sessions are recorded offline and uploaded later. In such cases we will compute again the count of users to find those that meet your cohort conditions but had sessions uploaded with delay and were not counted when you initially created the cohort.

  2. In or after: When you are using in or after for your report configuration users have a chance to enter the report (as long as it’s within the defined date-range). If the period included in the date-range is not yet completed at the moment of creating the cohort, for instance it includes ‘today’ then you can refresh the cohort user count later in case users came later that day to complete you retention action.

To ensure your cohort's user count is up-to-date use the the refresh button, especially if there are delayed session uploads.

How are cusotm cohorts and retention reports related?

Please note that even though you create custom cohorts from Retention reports, once the custom cohort is created it will live independently of the retention report. Hence, if you or a teammate modify or delete a retention report, this won’t impact your saved cohorts.

Cohort management permissions

Custom Cohorts are by default shared with editor access with all your team members so that you can use them on different pages and collaborate on your analysis.

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