» Analyze screen engagement and performance
Most visited screens:
What are the most popular screens among your users?
To create this report:
Go to the screen tab > select count of screen visits > Total. Group it by screen > visited screen. Change from chart to table. You can click on the screen count column to sort it in ascending order.
Total gestures per screen:
Which screens do your users interact with the most?
To create this report:
Go to the screen tab > select gestures > all gestures number > sum. Group it by screen > visited screen.
Avg. time on screen-based on {user-property}:
What's the average time your users spend on each of your screens? is there any difference between users' segments?
To create this report:
Go to the screen tab > select time on-screen > average. Group it by screen > visited screen. Add a second grouping by {user property} in this case we used 'type of membership'.
You can use any user properties you send to UXCam. Guide to sending User properties →
Screens with the highest number of rage taps (users frustration)
What are the screens that frustrate your users the most?
To create this report:
Go to the events tab > select rage taps > count of events > total. Group it by screen > visited screen.
💡 Tip »
Click on each of the graph sections to see the full user experience and understand which elements caused your users the most frustration.
Top previous screens from {screen}:
Which screens are usually visited right before going to a key screen?
To create this report:
Go to the screen tab > select count of screen visits total > filter by session properties > Next visited screen is {screen name} in this case we used 'Cart activity'. Group it by screen > visited screen. Change graph type to pie chart.
Top next screens from {screen}:
Which screens are usually visited right after going to a key screen?
To create this report:
Go to the screen tab > select {screen name} in this case we used 'Cart Activity' > select count of screen visits total. Group it by screen > visited screen.
» Analyze users' engagement and experience
Avg. session duration by app familiarity (number of visits to the app)
How much time do users spend on average in my app? Is there a difference between frequent and new users?
To create this report:
Go to the sessions tab > select session duration > average > group it by app familiarity > select the date range. Switch from chart to table.
Users that started the conversion process {event} vs users that completed the conversion process {event} - evolution over time.
How many users dropped off and didn't complete the conversion? How is this changing over time?
To create this report:
Go to the events tab > select the two {events} you want to compare (in this case we used 'add to the cart' and 'purchase completed') > Select count of users with event total. Group it by time > day and event property > screen name.
Number of times {event} was triggered and what were the most common {event property}.
e.i. products that are often removed from the cart.
How many times does a certain unwanted action {event} happen and what were the most common scenarios {event property} E.i. how many times a product was removed from the cart and what are the most removed products?
To create this report:
Go to the events tab > select the {event} in this case we used 'remove from cart' > choose count of events total. Group it by Event property > Custom property > {property name}, in this case we used 'product'.
% of sessions with Login fail {event} and Login success {event}
What is the ratio of sessions in which users successfully completed login versus those in which they failed?
Please note that you should send the events Login fail and Login success to UXCam in order to track these metrics.
To create this report:
Go to the events tab > Select the two {events} you want to compare, in this case, we used 'login fail' and 'login success' > choose count of sessions with events > total normalized %. Group it by Event property > event name.
» Analyze errors and problems that affect your users' experience
Unique new users that failed to Sign up {event}
How many new users failed to complete the sign-up process in your app?
To create this report:
Go to the users' tab > select count of new users total > filter by engagement > triggered event = {event name}, in this case we used 'Login fail'. Change visualization from graph to numeric.
Unique users that experienced UI Freezes
How many users experienced UI Freezes while using your app?
To create this report:
Go to the events tab > select count of users with UI Freezes total. Change visualization from graph to numeric.