✧ New Feature
There’s a new way of analyzing your users' journey and understanding how your users navigate through your app 'The ScreenBurst'.
This feature will help you identify at a glance the most common paths your users take when using your app. Use this functionality to:
- Understand the most common path taken by users when using your app.
- Identify differences in the navigation behavior between user segments
- Discover alternative paths that users follow to achieve a certain goal in your app.
- Compare the flows between converters and non-converters to understand what potential roadblocks are, what screens have a higher drop-off, and what leads users to follow the happy path.
- Analyze sessions from users navigating through a sequence of screens
- See which paths precede the screen exits and analyze those flows to identify problems and reduce the quit rate.
- Understand how different properties (device platform), issues (UI freezes), or user actions have an impact on your users' journey.
- Compare paths between first-time users vs active users.
- Easily create funnels based on real user behavior.
★ Find it in the left menu under App Navigation. Just click on expand and select Screen Burst.
Get an overview of your users’ journey:
1- Filter by date range to select the time period you want to include in your analysis.
2- Click on the settings icon (top-right corner) to adjust the steps or screens per step.
✏️ Note » depending on the number of screens included in the analysis, you might see some limitations in the number of steps. You can use filters to narrow down the results.
3- Click on any of the screens to see the conversions between the screens on that path.
4- Explore a certain path by:
» Viewing sessions to visualize those journeys →
» Creating a funnel to track that specific journey and analyze conversions and drop-offs →
» Drilling down to explore a specific path.
Filter and compare behavior between different segments
1- Use any segments you’ve created in the screen flow or session page to see if there are differences in behavior and navigation between different groups of users.
E.g. if you have a segment for power users or users that abandoned your funnel, you can analyze their journey separately. Read more about segments →
2- If you want to focus your analysis on certain devices, users who performed a specific action, or compare screen transitions between different app versions (for example, to see the impact of a new release), you can use the filters on top to further limit the results of the Screen Burst.
Focus on the key moments of your users' experience
If you’re working on optimizing a certain process of your app (e.i. checkout), or you want to explore the behavior of users that performed (or not) a specific action in your app (e.i. Add payment) you can use filters to adjust your Screen Burst.
Filter by event = add payment and drill-down even more with event properties, for instance, you can analyze the journey of users that added cash as a payment method.
Filter by visited screens, to focus on the journeys that included all the steps required to complete a purchase.
Emphasize your analysis of certain users
Analyze the behavior of different user groups based on properties relevant to your business and product, such as user type, subscription type, gender, age, etc. Or you can even find the journey of a specific user to understand how they navigate through your app (e.g. beta testers, users that reported issues, or users from your loyalty program).
Determine where the journey begins and ends
You can also analyze a specific journey, or explore a path after users have taken a certain action.
Use start and end to select where your journey analysis should start. For instance, for an e-commerce app, you would want to see how users navigate your app after visiting the product details page. This will help you understand alternative paths after a drop and answer questions such as what are users doing when they don't confirm the order?
Gather more insights and understand the reasons behind your users’ behavior
Take a look at the conversions of the different journeys. Compare conversions between users who follow the happy path and users who take alternative paths. Then click on 'View sessions' to have a deeper look at the metrics and gather qualitative insights into your users’ experience.
There's no need to dig any deeper to get this data, we've done the work to help you save time and focus on getting insights. Clicking view sessions will take you to the sessions page, with the sequence filter applied, now you can see how many sessions and users completed that journey. You can also see at a glance how many of them had issues (Rage taps and Crashes), how long they spent in the app, etc.
Do you wonder why users have taken that path? No need to guess, you will get the filtered list of sessions containing that path, so you can replay the videos and collaborate with your team using labels and notes to identify possible blockers in your users’ journey and potential opportunities to improve their experience. Read about team collaboration →
Don’t have time to review it now? Save it as a Segment and come back to it later.
Create a funnel to track that specific journey
Just click on Create funnel and we will automatically build all the steps based on the journey you have selected, put on some more details such as segments, filters, or grouping, add a name, and hit on Save to start tracking your conversions.
Stop guessing the steps that users should follow to convert in your app and remove any bias by using data to define your funnels and tracking conversion and drop-offs
💡 Why are conversion rates different in Screenburst and funnels?
You might see a difference in conversion rates between funnels and screen burst transitions.
That's because screen burst shows an exact sequence of transitions where users visited screen A immediately after screen B, while Funnels show a sequence of actions that happened within one session regardless of the order of the transitions or the actions triggered in between.
For instance,
User 1 goes to your app and follows this exact path Screen A > Screen B > Screen C
User 2 goes to your app and follows this exact path Screen A > Screen D > Screen C > Screen B
User 3 goes to your app and follows this exact path Screen A > Screen B > Screen D
You have a screen burst sequence showing: Screen A > Screen B > Screen C and you create a funnel based on that flow showing Screen A > Screen B > Screen C
User 1 will count as a conversion in the screen burst because it followed that exact sequential order without any action in between. And will also count as a conversion in the funnel because it meets the three conditions to enter the funnel.
User 2 won't count as a conversion in the screen burst because it didn't follow the exact order and visited another screen between A and C. However, it will count as a conversion in the funnel because it meets all three conditions to enter the funnel.
User 3 won't count as a conversion either because it doesn't meet the conditions since screen C wasn't visited.
See how and why they leave your app
This is the feature you were all waiting for, now you can see from which screens your users leave your app, analyze the steps prior to drop-out, and replay those sessions to uncover bugs, friction points, or roadblocks on your users’ journey.
E.g. You will definitely want to see why users quit your app immediately after visiting your login screen. With Screen Burst and session replay, you can find out what’s going on and fix any issues with the users’ experience to increase retention.
Export your reports
Last but not least you can export your reports as a CSV, XLS, PNG, PDF, SVG and JPEG.