1.1 Browser
You can make the API request directly on the URL bar on the browser, after the successful request you will receive the response on the browser itself. The response is presented in raw JSON format. You can format the response using a JSON formatting extension for your browser. Some of the options are JSON Formatter, JSONView, etc for chrome and JSON Peep for Safari. You can easily find an applicable one for your browser.
Similarly, if you intend to perform further analysis you can write scripts to request the data and then process the response as per your need.
1.2 Python
As an example you can use the requests module to make API calls. With this module you can use python to send the HTTP requests to the API server. Similarly you can use the JSON module to parse the response. After this, you can further perform data analysis and manipulation using libraries such as pandas.
import requests
import json
payload = {}
headers = {
'apikey': '653370bf-79f4-4a88-b9b3-5e2757d41864',
response = requests.get('api.uxcam.com/event/analytics',
'appid': '5e96a0513596b900b44eeafa',
'daterange':json.dumps({"from": "2020-06-21", "to": "2020-09-30"}),
'aggregation':json.dumps([{'attribute':'event_count','operator':'count'},{'attribute': 'event_unique_user','operator':'count'},{'attribute':'event_unique_session','operator': 'count'}]),
'filter':json.dumps([{"event_screen_name":{"operator":"isnot", "value": "ActivityCustomEvents"}}]),
'group_by':json.dumps([{'attribute': "custom_event_property","name":"activity"}])
json_response = response.json()