There are three types of data collected from customer devices: session, user, and events. Each of these categories has multiple attributes that are known as data attributes. The following table shows an example for each of the data type:
Data type | Attribute name | Example |
float |
session_duration |
31.23 |
integer |
user_session_count |
201 |
string |
user_name |
“Bob” |
date |
user_first_seen |
"2020-05-26" |
bool |
session_is_crashed |
True/False |
list |
session_screen_list |
[‘screen1’, ‘screen2’] |
json |
property |
{‘price’: 1.3, ‘item’: ‘pen’} |
Sessions inherit the properties of their respective users, because every session belongs to a unique user. Events inherit the properties of the users and sessions, therefore you can uniquely identify a session using an event.
Therefore, filters and groupings that are applicable to users can also be applied to session data and event data. Similarly, all session filters can be applied to events.
Following are some examples on how you can use filters:
Filters | Examples |
User filter applied to session data |
Find sessions where user type = premium |
User filter applied to event data |
Find events where user session count > 100 |
Session filters can be applied to events |
Find all events that happened in sessions in San Francisco, or in sessions that were longer than 100s |
1.1 User data
A user is an entity that interacts with an application. A user can be uniquely associated with a device and determined by the device id. If the same user (unique) belongs to multiple devices, API calls [link] can be used to track the user across the devices.
Description | Attribute | Attribute Data type |
Name of the user set by the API. |
user_name |
string |
Custom property added for the user. |
user_custom_property |
json |
Date when the user was first seen. |
user_first_seen |
date |
Date when the user was last seen. |
user_last_seen |
date |
Count of sessions for a given user. |
user_session_count |
integer |
Total engagement time for a given user. |
user_session_duration |
float |
Number of events for a given user. |
user_event_count |
integer |
Number of screen visits for a given user. |
user_screen_count |
integer |
Total number of rage gestures for a given user. |
user_rage_gesture_count |
integer |
Total number of unresponsive gestures for a given user. |
user_session_unresponsive_gesture_count |
integer |
Country from which the session was last recorded for a given user. |
user_country |
string |
Country code from where the session was last recorded for a given user. |
user_country_code |
string |
City from which the session was last recorded for a given user. |
user_city |
string |
Device model from which the session was last recorded for a given user. |
user_device_model |
string |
Device platform from which the session was last recorded for a given user. |
user_device_platform |
any of [‘iOS’, ‘Android’’] |
Device app version from which the session was last recorded for a given user. |
user_device_app_version |
string |
Device OS version from which the session was last recorded for a given user. |
user_device_os_version |
string |
1.2 Session data
A session is a sequence of user interactions performed by a user on an application within a given time. A session starts when the user launches the application and it ends when the user exits or moves away from the application. All of this data related to the user interaction is the session data.
Description | Attribute | Attribute Data type |
Date when the session was uploaded. |
session_date_day |
date |
Day of week when the session was uploaded. |
session_uploaded_week_day |
any of [‘Monday’, ‘Tuesday’, ...] |
Time in seconds for how long the session lasted. |
session_duration |
float |
Count of screens visited within a given session. |
session_screen_count |
integer |
Number of user gestures recorded within a given session. |
session_gesture_count |
integer |
Number of responsive gestures recorded within a given session. |
session_responsive_gesture_count |
integer |
Number of unresponsive gestures recorded within a given session. |
session_unresponsive_gesture_count |
integer |
Number of rage taps recorded within a given session. |
session_rage_gesture_count |
integer |
List of events generated within a given session. |
session_event_list |
list |
List of screens visited within a given session. |
session_screen_list |
list |
Determines if a session crashed? Value is set to true if crashed and false otherwise. |
session_is_crashed |
bool |
Determines if a session was recorded in offline mode? Value is set to true if recorded in offline mode and false otherwise. |
session_is_offline_recorded |
bool |
Determines if there is a video for the session? Value is set to true with video and false otherwise. |
session_has_video |
bool |
Name of the user set by the API. |
user_name |
string |
Number of the respective sessions for the user. |
user_session_number |
integer |
Name of the country recorded within a given session |
session_country |
string |
Name of the city recorded within a given session. |
session_city |
string |
Device manufacturers recorded within a given session. E.g. samsung and motorola. |
device_class |
string |
Device model recorded within a given session. |
device_model |
string |
Device app version recorded within a given session. |
device_app_version |
string |
Device OS version recorded within a given session. |
device_os_version |
string |
SDK version recorded within a given session |
device_sdk_version |
string |
Device platform recorded within a given session. E.g. either apple or android. |
device_platform |
any of [‘iOS’, ‘Android’] |
Device width recorded within a given session. |
device_width |
float |
Device height recorded within a given session. |
device_height |
float |
1.3 Event data
An event data is generated for an action performed by a user or any form of occurrence in an application. Event data can be filtered and grouped by the properties shown in the table below. And besides, every event data can be grouped by all session properties.
Description | Attribute | Attribute Data type |
Event name |
event_name |
string |
Custom event property. |
event_custom_property |
json |
The name of the screen on which the event occured. |
event_screen |
string |
Date when the event occured. |
event_date_day |
date |