UXCam Data Access API accepts following parameters.
Note : Please do not use whitespace in request query parameters.
1.1 Authentication Parameter
Access to the data for a given application is granted only after the authentication process is successful. The identity of each application is unique and is represented by the App id. Similarly, each App id has one and only one valid authentication key. You can create or update your authentication key from the Account Settings.
So the App id is used to recognize the identity of the given application while the API key is used to authenticate it. The authentication parameters can be submitted directly on the request header or through the request URL.
1 | App id | 606d8e6085bcf8071116b7ba |
2 | API key | 7089e24e-9aea-41e3-a6db-2b1e9b8c295c |
1.2 Pagination Parameters
The bulk response received from the API can be sliced using the pagination option. By default every response will contain 50 rows per page. For instance, the following HTTP request will return the first page with 50 sessions for the given App id.
You can also customize the number of rows by using the size filter. The upper limit for the number of rows returned using the size filter is 500. For instance, the following HTTP request will return the second page with 100 sessions for the given App id.
1.3 Filter Parameters
1.3.1 Session List API Filter
Filter parameters are used to filter the results based on the desired attributes. The filters can be applied as a list of dictionaries where each dictionary item is a separate filter. Each filter parameter has a filter name used as a key while the value contains the operator and the actual value for the given parameter. All valid filter parameters, their respective types, and the operators are listed below:
Parameter | Data Type | Description | Example | |
1 |
page |
Unsigned integer |
The page to retrieve. Each page contains up to 100 results. The default page is set to 1 |
2 |
sessiondate |
Date in format (‘yyyy-mm-dd’) |
Date on which the session was uploaded |
3 |
country |
string |
Country name based on device IP address |
4 |
countrycode |
string |
Two letter country code of session country based on device IP address. |
5 |
appversion |
string |
App version on the device when session was run |
6 |
video |
bool (true/false) |
Is there a video for the session? Value is set to true and false for sessions with no video |
7 |
UXCamuserid |
string |
UXCam User ID of user |
8 |
platform |
Bool string |
Platform (iOS or Android) of user Value set to android for sessions having device os is ANDROID platform. And value set to ios for sessions having device os is iOS platform. |
For android device :
For IOS device :
9 |
sessionhashofuser |
Unsigned integer |
count of session for the particular user. View user 10th session with UXCamuserid |
10 |
osversion |
string |
Device operating system version |
11 |
crashed |
bool |
Show only sessions that are crashed / not crashed The value set to true for crashed sessions and false for not crashed sessions |
12 |
eventname |
list |
List of events that occurred during the session |
13 |
screenname |
list |
List of screens visited during the session |
14 |
sdkversion |
string |
UXCam SDK version on device |
15 |
sessionlength |
float |
Total session length in seconds |
16 |
totalgesture |
Unsigned integer |
Total gesture count |
17 |
screencount |
Unsigned integer |
Total number of screens visited |
18 |
alias |
string |
Only sessions where random alias is |
19 |
useridentity |
string |
Only sessions where useridentity is not "Yetika Rai" |
20 |
showonly |
dict |
View only desired response section |
https://api.uxcam.com/session/?appid=5e96a0513596b900b44eeafa&apikey=653370bf-79f4-4a88-b9b3-5e2757d41864&filter=[{"country": {"operator": "is", "value":"Germany" }},{"appversion": {"operator": "is", "value":"1.0" }},{"video": {"operator": "is", "value": true}}]
The above example contains three filters:
- Country where value is equal to Germany
- Appversion value is equal to 1.0
- Video value is equal to true
1.3.2 User List API Filter
Parameter | Data Type | Description | Example | |
1 |
page |
Unsigned integer |
The page to retrieve. Each page contains upto 100 results. Default page is set to 1 |
page=1 |
2 |
lastseenon |
Date in format (‘yyyy-mm-dd’) |
Date of last user session |
3 |
registeredon |
Date in format (‘yyyy-mm-dd’) |
Date of first user session |
4 |
country |
string |
Two letter country code of session country based on device IP address. |
5 |
countrycode |
string |
Country name based on device IP address |
6 |
city |
string |
City name based on device IP address |
7 |
appversion |
string |
App version on the device when session was run |
8 |
uxcamuserid |
string |
UXCam User ID of user |
9 |
platform |
Bool string |
Platform (iOS or Android) of user Value set to android for sessions having device os is ANDROID platform. And value set to iOSfor sessions having device os is iOS platform. |
For android device :
For IOS device :
10 |
osversion |
string |
User device operating system version |
11 |
totalsession |
Unsigned integer |
Total user session count |
12 |
totalsessiontime |
float |
Time user spent on sessions |
13 |
totalgesture |
Unsigned integer |
Total user gesture count |
14 |
screencount |
Unsigned integer |
Total number of screens visited |
15 |
eventcount |
Unsigned integer |
Total number of events of users |
16 |
ragegesturecount |
Unsigned integer |
Total number of rage gestures by users |
17 |
responsivegesturecount |
Unsigned integer |
Total number of responsive gestures by users |
18 |
unresponsivegesturecount |
Unsigned integer |
Total number of crashes on screen |
19 |
deviceid |
string |
device id of users' device |
20 |
devicemodel |
string |
Model name of users' device |
21 |
alias |
string |
Only sessions where random alias is |
22 |
username |
string |
Only sessions where set user name is not |
https://api.uxcam.com/session/?appid=606d8e6085bcf8071116b7ba&apikey=7089e24e-9aea-41e3-a6db-2b1e9b8c295c&filter=[{"country": {"operator": "is", "value":"USA" }},{"appversion": {"operator": "is", "value":"1.0" }},{"video": {"operator": "is", "value": true}}]
The above example contains three filters:
- Country where value is equal to USA
- Appversion value is equal to 1.0
- Video value is equal to true
1.3.3 Filter Operators Integer Operators
The following table shows the use of different integer or float operators for a given parameter (totalgesture).
Operator Name | Operator Symbol | Operator Data type | Example | |
1 |
gt |
> |
float |
2 |
lt |
< |
float |
3 |
geq |
>= |
float |
4 |
leq |
<= |
float |
| String Operators
The following table shows the use of different string operators for a given parameter (appversion).
Operator Name | Operator Symbol | Operator Data type | Example | |
1 |
is |
= |
float |
2 |
isnot |
!= |
float |
3 |
in |
∈ |
list (float) |
4 |
notin |
∉ |
list (float) |
5 |
contains |
Contain substring |
string |
6 |
containsnot |
Does not Contain substring |
string |
| List Operators
The following table shows the use of different list (string) operators for a given parameter (eventname):
Operator Name | Operator Symbol | Operator Data type | Example | |
1 |
hasany |
= |
list (string) |
2 |
nothasany |
!= |
list (string) |
3 |
hasall |
∈ |
list (string) |
4 |
nothasall |
∉ |
list (string) |
| Datetime Operators
The following table shows the use of different datetime operators for a given parameter (sessiondate):
Operator Name | Operator Symbol | Operator Data type | Example | |
1 |
on |
= |
Date string |
2 |
noton |
!= |
Date string |
3 |
after |
> |
Date string |
4 |
since |
>= |
Date string |
5 |
untill |
<= |
Date string |
6 |
before |
< |
Date string |
7 |
in |
∈ |
Date string |
8 |
notin |
∉ |
Date string |
9 |
between_dates |
between |
Date string |
1.4. Session Response Filter
The Session List API allows 5 types of response filter parameters. You can filter out the response using the showonly response filter. The server will include the data for the given parameter if you set the value of the response parameter filter to 1. Similarly you can set the value of the response filter parameter to 0 which will exclude response data from the output for the specific parameter.