By default, UXCam generates a schematic representation of the app on iOS. This is done in order to visualize in-app behavior, without recording the app’s screen. Learn more.
Follow the instructions below for Integration
- Cocoapods (Swift)
- Cocoapods (Objective C)
- Manual Integration (Swift)
- Manual Integration (Objective C)
You’ll need to have CocoaPods installed. If you haven’t already, see this page for installation details. If this is your first pod, run pod init.
- Add to the Podfile
pod 'UXCam'
- Then from your Terminal, type
pod install
- Import UXCam header at the top of your AppDelegate.swift:
import UXCam
- Add this call as the first line of your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method. Your App-key is available from UXCam dashboard.
UXCam.optIntoSchematicRecordings() UXCam.start(withKey:"App-key from UXCam")
You’ll need to have CocoaPods installed. If you haven’t already, see this page for installation details. If this is your first pod, run pod init.
- Add to the Podfile
pod 'UXCam'
- Then from your Terminal, type
pod install
- Import UXCam header at the top of your AppDelegate.m:
#import <UXCam/UXCam.h>
- Add this call as the first line of your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method. Your App-key is available from the UXCam dashboard.
[UXCam optIntoSchematicRecordings]; [UXCam startWithKey:@"App-key from UXCam"];
Please download the latest SDK from here
Follow the instructions below for Integration
- Unzip the downloaded file and drag the "UXCam.xcframework" from the downloaded UXCam folder into your Xcode project (dropping it onto your Project in the Project Navigator window). When prompted, select "Copy items into destination..." and "Create folder references...".
- Then, add the following libraries to your Linker settings. Click on your Project in the Project Navigator window, under Targets select your app, and click the Build Phases tab. Open the "Link Binary with Libraries" list. Click the plus sign (+) and add
- AVFoundation
- Security
- CoreGraphics
- CoreMedia
- CoreVideo
- CoreTelephony
- MobileCoreServices
- QuartzCore
- SystemConfiguration
- WebKit
- libz.tbd
- Add $(OTHER_LDFLAGS) -ObjC to your linker flag: Select your project under the PROJECT heading in the Project Navigator, then select the Build Settings tab. Scroll to Other Linker Flags and Set the value of the Other Linker Flags build setting to $(OTHER_LDFLAGS) -ObjC
- Import UXCam header at the top of your AppDelegate.swift:
import UXCam
- Add this call as the first line of your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method. Your app-key is available on the dashboard
UXCam.start(withKey:"App-key from UXCam")
Please download the latest SDK from here
Follow the instructions below for Integration
- Unzip the downloaded file and drag the "UXCam.xcframework" from the downloaded UXCam folder into your Xcode project (dropping it onto your Project in the Project Navigator window). When prompted, select "Copy items into destination..." and "Create folder references...".
- Then, add the following libraries to your Linker settings. Click on your Project in the Project Navigator window, under Targets select your app, and click the Build Phases tab. Open the "Link Binary with Libraries" list. Click the plus sign (+) and add
- AVFoundation
- Security
- CoreGraphics
- CoreMedia
- CoreVideo
- CoreTelephony
- MobileCoreServices
- QuartzCore
- SystemConfiguration
- WebKit
- libz.tbd
- Add $(OTHER_LDFLAGS) -ObjC to your linker flag: Select your project under the PROJECT heading in the Project Navigator, then select the Build Settings tab. Scroll to Other Linker Flags and Set the value of the Other Linker Flags build setting to $(OTHER_LDFLAGS) -ObjC
- Import UXCam header at the top of your AppDelegate.m:
#import <UXCam/UXCam.h>
- Add this call as the first line of your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method.Your App-key is available from UXCam dashboard.
[UXCam optIntoSchematicRecording];
[UXCam startWithKey:@"App-key from UXCam"];
This will complete the integration process. Your session will be shown on the dashboard within a few seconds after the app goes in the background.
You can optionally use the API'es for customization such as identifying users from your database with UXCam, tag sessions or hiding sensitive views.
NOTE: We support apps from iOS 9, but we will only record sessions on apps from iOS 10.
Important: Based on the SDK version you will require a certain XCode version. See more.
Do you have problems when running “pod install”?
Possible errors messages:
- Missing compatible arch
- [!] Oh no, an error occurred.
Why is this happening?
When it comes to the newest (late 2020) MacBooks with Apple Silicon M1 CPU that have a different architecture to the previous machines (Intel CPU) there's a possibility that there is a mismatch between libraries and packager managers such as Homebrew. Once more packages are reworked to run natively on the M1 chips, this problem will go away.
Temporary solution:
- Add to the Podfile
pod 'UXCam'
- Run in the terminal
sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi
- Run in the terminal
arch -x86_64 pod install
And your pods should install without any problems.