Identifying user frustration and UX issues in your app is crucial because it can have a significant impact on user satisfaction and engagement, which ultimately affects the success of your product. If users encounter too many frustrations when using your app, they are more likely to abandon it altogether. By solving these issues, you can improve user retention and reduce churn rates, improve the overall experience which can lead to customer retention and positive reviews.
What is the total number of daily, weekly, monthly sessions with rage taps?
To create this report : Add report > Build from Scratch
Report Type : Sessions
Metric : Count of Sessions, Total
Filters : UX Issues, Rage taps, Yes
Tips: Select 1D, 7D, 30D in the calendar based on the time you would like to analyze.
How are sessions with rage taps changing over time? Are they increasing or decreasing?
To create this report : Add report > Build from Scratch
Report Type : Sessions
Metric : Count of Sessions, Total
Filters : UX Issues, Rage taps, Yes
How many sessions were affected by rage taps on different app versions?
To create this report : Add report > Build from Scratch
Report Type : Event
Select Event : Rage taps
Metric : Count of sessions with event, Total
Grouping : Device Property > App Version
Which screens are causing most frustration?
To create this report : Add report > search for Screens with most rage taps > Add
Which device platform between IOS vs. Android devices is causing more frustration?
To create this report : Add report > Build from Scratch
Report Type : Event
Select Event : Rage taps
Metric : Count of sessions with event, Total
Grouping : Device Property > Device platform
Which device models are causing most frustration?
To create this report : Add report > Build from Scratch
Report Type : Event
Select Event : Rage taps
Metric : Count of sessions with event, Total
Grouping : Device Property > Device Model