You can create a funnel with just a few clicks, combining events and screens. Let’s learn how to build funnels!
Create funnel with suggestions
If you have no idea what funnel to build or are not quite sure on what steps your users follow to achieve your conversion, do not worry! You can use our suggestion functionality to help you build your funnel. You can find the suggestion button to the right of the create funnel button.
1 » Click on suggestions, you will be asked to select a screen or event which represents the end goal or conversion you want your users to achieve. (Eg. a purchase confirmation screen or payment completed event)
2 » Click on get funnels and you will be provided with 3 suggestions of complete funnels which are based on the most common paths user take to achieve the specified event/screen. The suggestions will include a combination of screens and events.
3 » Select view funnel, once you are happy with it, click on create and you are now ready to analyze your funnel!
Create funnel from scratch
In this example, we will create a basic check out process with 4 steps: Item detail screen, Add to cart event, Add payment event, Successful purchase screen. Let's start!
1 » Click on Create funnel
2 » Choose between This order vs. Any order funnel
This order : By default all funnels are created with 'This order', this means that conversions will only be counted if it follows the steps in the order determined by you. Choosing this order still allows users to complete other actions or view other screens in between steps, and still be counted as conversions. Using this order allows us to track desired processes or understand how users convert following a certain sequence.
Add to cart → {Other actions outside of funnel} → Add delivery address → {Other actions outside of funnel} → Add payment
Any order : You can also switch to any order if you’re analyzing a set of actions that your users can complete but you don’t care about the order, or users don’t need to complete the funnel in the specified order. As long as a step has been completed, it will be counted as a conversion.
3 » Build the desired path by selecting events or screens. You can decide if you want to start a funnel with app launch or if you want to start your funnel from a specific screen or event. Just click on add steps to add more steps and drag steps to change the order of your funnel.
💡 Tip » If you don’t know how your user’s journey looks or what steps to add to your funnel, just click on suggested step. We will provide you with suggestions based on the most common steps users take after the selected step.
You can filter certain event steps by user properties to gain even granular insights. For example, if you would like to analyze users in step 2 that: Add payment by Apple Pay, you can click on the filter icon and select Apple pay.
Important note » Funnels allow a maximum of 15 steps.
4 » Decide whether conversions should be based on sessions count or user count.
Are you interested in knowing how many people completed the steps in the funnel or the number of sessions in which the conversion was completed? This might depend on the funnel you are analyzing. For example, if you are analyzing the purchase process, you might care about the number of purchases and not users as they could purchase multiple times.
5 » Define conversion window
Session Count: By default, the conversion window for funnels based on session count is 1 . This cannot be changed. Conversions are measured within one session, which means that all the included steps should be completed during that session, and if the user leaves the app to complete the process later, it won't be counted as a conversion.
User Count: Define a conversion window for users, to be more specific on how much time it should take your user to complete a process for it to be considered a conversion. Below are different examples where this might come in handy:
Let’s say you expect users to complete a certain action within 1 week. You can create a funnel that shows you how many users completed the action within 1 week in the last 3 months.
You are wondering how much time users are taking to complete registration. You can build different funnels and compare the number of users who convert and complete registration within 5 minutes vs. 1 hour vs. 1 day.
You are analyzing how a coupon performs and impacts conversions. The coupon is valid for only 3 days after signing up to the platform and runs for the whole month in January. You want to find out whether the coupon was efficient and whether people are placing orders within a few days of signing up. You can create a funnel that shows how many users purchased an item within 3 days in the month of January.
6 » Filter entire funnel : The filter will apply across all the steps. Only users or sessions matching the filter conditions will be considered in the funnel. You can filter by events, sessions, device or user properties.
Filter by device platform to analyze an iOS specific path, or filter by country to analyze conversions on a new market you just launched. Filtering by event will help you analyze the impact of a certain action or behavior in your conversion funnel. For instance, are users that created a wish list converting better than those that haven't? You can also filter by any custom user property such as age or filter by a segment you have previously saved. → Learn about segments
7 » Group funnels : You can group your funnels to have a breakdown of your data and compare conversion rates between different groups. You can group by Device properties such as app version or device model, or by User properties such as gender, age, or any custom properties you send to UXCam.
For example, you would like to compare conversions between different countries, you can group by and select the countries you are interested in
8 » Name your funnel and select the desired date range
9 » Click on Save funnel. You can always come back and edit your funnel if you want to add or remove some steps or change the date range.