Screen flow is a great tool that lets you understand your users’ paths in your app:
Gives you a general understanding of how your users navigate through your app from launch to closing or sent to the background.
Allows you to analyze which path your users follow after visiting a certain screen. e.g. which screens do they visit after viewing 'add_to_cart' screen.
Shows you which screens they visited before visiting a certain screen. e.g. which path they followed before visiting check_out_screen.
Allows you to analyze the reverse flow to understand from which screens users leave the application and which other screens they visit before exiting.
Understand your users' journey
1. Filter by date range to analyze how your users navigate through your app at a specific period, or after you've included a new feature or screen to compare the difference between the user's path.
2. Decide whether you want to check the whole flow of your users or if you want it to start or end from a certain screen.
TIP » Click on each of the paths to see the screenshots, the number of transitions, and the % of sessions that went from one screen to the other.
3. Check the reverse flow to understand what path your users follow before leaving your app. You can select if you want to start the reverse flow from a specific screen such as add to the cart.
4. Filter your screen-flow to analyze different cohorts and compare the behavior between your users. e.g. visualize the screen flow for users that visited your app more than 3 times and spent more than 100 seconds. You can also use the pre-saved segments.
5. You can adjust your flow length and the number of screens included to clean the view or see what’s included under ‘Others’.
» Last but not least, share the screen flow with someone from your company or include it in any materials such as a presentation by downloading it as an image or PDF document.
You can also analyze the screen flow for one specific user. Check this article →