This article describes how to analyze heatmaps on UXCam.
Screen stats
Get a quick overview of your screen’s performance and users behavior by looking at the screen metrics on the left side.
Here are some examples of what you can keep an eye out for:
Monitor screen visits to understand how frequently users navigate to the screen
View the screen quit rate % to learn how many users leave the app after visiting the screen
Check out rage taps to understand user frustration level for the screen
Learn about user engagement with visit duration and number of gestures on screen
Track visits with crashes to ensure a smooth user experience
Filter your heat maps based on any session, user, or device properties. Delve into behavior analysis, validate hypotheses and get relevant and high quality insights with these filters.
How are users from Mexico interacting with the Home screen?
Do you want to dig deeper into a behavior you found by analyzing funnels or playing sessions?
How users that left the cart screen instead of moving forward to the payment screen interacted with the cart screen?
You can easily apply a combination of filters to find the answers you want and get a detailed view of your user interactions.
Date Range
Filter by date range to compare heatmap data for different periods. Analyzing specific dates is essential to :
Analyze the change in user behavior before and after a new UI release.
Analyze user behavior after the launch of a new campaign.
Identify how interactions overall changed over time.
User, Device and Session Properties
User properties:
Get to the nitty gritty by learning more about particular audiences that matter the most to you.
Analyze interactions based on user properties such as subscription type, age
Learn how users interact with a screen across different countries and cities.
Analyze results of your A/B test - compare variant A vs.B users - and find out which one performs better.
Device properties:
Identify if users behave differently on different devices, operating systems or app versions to ensure an optimized UX across platforms.
Compare user behavior between Android vs. IOS users
Ensure that the app’s UX is optimized for every device class (size)
Analyze user behavior for different app versions and spot areas for improvement
Session properties:
Analyze user behavior on specific types of sessions based on session duration, gesture count, next visited screen, etc.
Compare user behavior on sessions with high vs. low gesture counts and identify areas that maximize interaction.
Compare user behavior in short vs. long session durations and identify areas ways to maximize engagement.
Screen Visit, Event, and Gesture Filters
Screen visits :
Compare how user behavior changes based on how they navigate through different screens on the app. Dive deeper into user interactions for users who went to a specific screen after or were on a specific screen before.
How do users that come to the home screen after the order confirmation page interact with the home screen ?
Analyze heatmaps for U-turn behavior, for instance, users who went back from the cart to the product screen or from payment to cart screen.
Event Filters :
Filter heatmaps based on screen visits with or without a specific event to compare the behavior and interactions of users.
Compare the user behavior of users who completed a desired action eg. add to cart vs. users who did not complete it and gain insights on ways to increase this desired action.
Identify problematic areas of the screens for users who did not complete an event to understand the reasons behind it and find areas of improvement.
Find out how users interacted with previous screens before completing a certain event.
Gesture filter :
You can filter heat maps based on screen visits with or without:
A particular gesture type (tap, swipe, long press, zoom)
A specific count of these gestures
Rage taps or unresponsive gestures
Gesture position (Keep in mind the position are coordinates and do not change when a user scrolls)
Are you looking for users who scroll all the way down and want to find out how they interact with areas of the screen? Easy, filter by gesture type (swipe up) and count > 3 to find the heatmap of users who scrolled 3 times.
Identify users who scroll all the way down and find out how they interact with different areas of the screen. To find the heatmap of users who scrolled more than 3 times ,filter by gesture type > swipe up > count > 3.
Compare user interactions of frustrated users (highrage taps) vs. satisfied users (low rage taps) and identify problematic areas.
Quantify your heatmap data and deepen your analysis
Click drag and highlight the area you are interested in. You will get detailed metrics concerning the highlighted area such as :
Number of gestures
Number of users interacting with area
Time until gesture was performed in the area
Use Drag and drop to :
Validate or discover better placements for banners or call to actions
Identify which of two buttons with the same functionally performs best and decide which one to remove.
Identify how long users take to click on a certain area. Are users distracted by irrelevant elements? Make changes to focus their attention
Analyze conversions by viewing clicks on your call to actions
Uncover unexpected user behavior with unresponsive gestures. Are users trying to interact with elements that have not been designed to be interactive?
If you want to analyze a certain point of your screen, you can also hover over any area of the heatmap to see the gesture break down.
Getting to the why with session replay
To gather more context on the users' experience and view the whole user journey you can watch the sessions based on screen transitions. Just switch to the screen visits tab to see the list of sessions with visits to that screen. Sort the table by any columns or decide what to watch based on the next/previous screen, screen duration, or any of the available properties there.
The session replay will only play that specific transition by default, you can replay the transition or continue watching the session. Please note that since one screen can be visited many times during the same session, you might have different transitions to play for the same user session.
To navigate to the next screen session you can use the arrows to the right or left of the video replay.