What happens with report grouping when creating an alert?
If your report has groupings, the grouping attributes will be automatically added as filters so you can decide if you want to be notified about any, or a specific group result. (Time groupings are not added to alerts).
You can refine filters by choosing between the following conditions: "is," "is not," "contains," or "doesn't contain" and then select the variables you want to monitor.
It's important to note that filters work on an OR basis, meaning if any condition meets the threshold, the alert will be triggered. For instance, if you monitor crashes for the following countries : USA, CANADA, NEPAL and set a threshold of 50 crashes, the alert will trigger if the sum of crashes from those countries reaches 50, or if any single country experiences 50 crashes.
What report groupings are not available as filters in alerts?
1- Time groupings:
By transforming time groupings into filters we will need to select single dates/periods of time.
Alerts compare values based on periods - e.g. last 7 days, compared to previous 7 days. This is not compatible with having a metric for a specific period of time, as that period is finite/fixed therefore the metric value will never change.
2- Groupings that are not available as filters:
App familiarity
Session label
Session screen count
3- From Events report type > group by Event name.
Because event name filter is part of the report metric. You can still select different events from the Event name selector.
4- From Screens report type > group by Screen name.
Because the screen name filter is part of the report metric. You can still select different screen names from the Screen name selector.
When does UXCam check if the alert conditions were met?
The metric value is checked against the threshold daily at 9 AM (Time zone defined based on the browser time zone of the alert creator at the moment of creating the alert)
Why do I get a pop up when I try to edit a report?
When you create an alert from a report, you'll notice a paper clip icon next to the alert name, indicating that it's linked to a specific report.
If you attempt to edit the alert metric, you'll receive a warning pop-up notifying you that the alert metrics no longer align with the report. You can proceed with editing the alert, but be aware that doing so will unlink it from the report. Unlinking it from the report means that you cannot see that alert on the report on which it was previously created.